
Find profiles Profiles, positions and training: PhD skills at the crossroads

DocPro allows PhD-holders, recruiters and academic advisors to speak the same language. Using this search engine, you can select profiles posted by PhD-holders announcing their skills, profiles defined by employers and recruiters to convey the skills they are looking for, or profiles published by academic advisors to describe the skills developed through the training programs available at their institution.

Last modified on 19 04 24
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Chargé de projet écologue

Last modified on 19 04 24
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Enseignement et Recherche

Docteur en physique et ayant soutenu une thèse sur l'effet du champs électrique / magnétique sur l’activité électrique du cerveau, j’aimerai travailler dans les biotechnologies (dispositifs médicaux).
Last modified on 19 04 24
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R&D Chimie / Enseignement

Last modified on 19 04 24
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Pharmacien, chef de projet

Last modified on 19 04 24
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Research Engineer - PhD Candidate | Alstom & Gustave Eiffel University

Research Engineer in Green Traction at Alstom and Doctoral Student at the Gustave Eiffel University. My research focuses on the energy transition of rail transport (hydrogen, batteries, biofuels).
Last modified on 19 04 24
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Ph.D. Researcher (Neutrino Physics)

Who do I want to be? A neutrino physicist - full time. With core skills such as organisation, networking and teamwork - as well as values of faith, hope and love - I believe we can achieve together!
Last modified on 19 04 24
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Health and science research, development and education

Last modified on 19 04 24
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Agronomie tropicale, santé des plantes

Je m'appelle Marine, je suis doctorante en 3ème année en épidémiologie. Je cherche à mieux comprendre une maladie cryptogamique foliaire des bananiers, la cercosporiose noire.
Last modified on 19 04 24
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Research Scientist (biotech or pharma industry)

Over 6 years of experience in protein characterization using analytical biochemistry and mass spectrometry methods. Passionate about making science collaborative and integrative.
Last modified on 19 04 24
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I'm working in the Functional and Adaptive Biology (BFA) unit in the Central Control of Feeding Behaviour and Energy Expenditure (C2OFFEE) team. I'm studying astrocytes and their role in metabolism.
Last modified on 19 04 24
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Scientist in virology - HIV-1

Hello! I am a virology scientist having marketing backgroud, possessing developed experimental and data analysis skills.
Last modified on 19 04 24
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PhD student

Last modified on 19 04 24
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Molecular Biology and Immunology

Last modified on 19 04 24
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Ingénieure R&D physico-chimie des matériaux

Jeune diplômée d’un doctorat en chimie de l’Université Paris-Saclay, j’applique mes recherches à la caractérisation nanométrique de matériaux pour les sciences de la vie.
Last modified on 19 04 24
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Ingénieur R&D en nutrition