DocPro allows PhD-holders, recruiters and academic advisors to speak the same language. Using this search engine, you can select profiles posted by PhD-holders announcing their skills, profiles defined by employers and recruiters to convey the skills they are looking for, or profiles published by academic advisors to describe the skills developed through the training programs available at their institution.
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Last modified on 10 09 24
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Ingénieur R&D, Traitement automatique des langues, Vision par ordinateur
Last modified on 10 09 24
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Thank you for your visit to DOCPRO. I am an early career researcher in health. My expertise are in qualitative and quantitative methods in health research.
Last modified on 10 09 24
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As a PhD candidate focusing on translational molecular and cellular biology, I aspire to transition into industry after my PhD. Challenging, dynamic and multicultural environments inspire and drive me
Last modified on 10 09 24
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Recherche et développement
Doctorant en biologie moléculaire et cellulaire dans le secteur du cancer
Last modified on 10 09 24
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Doctorante en biologie cellulaire
Je m'intéresse au traffic membranaire du système endosomal et sont rôle dans la communication cil primaire/autophagie
Last modified on 10 09 24
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Specialising in data analyst and behavioural economics
I am a 2nd-year Business intelligence student at UFC, Besançon, where I've built a strong focus on econometrics and honed practical data analysis skills.
Last modified on 10 09 24
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PhD researcher - Nanophotonics and ML techniques
Hi! I'm Julian, a PhD researcher currently residing in France. I am working at the Université de Technologie de Troyes on the modeling of biomimetic photonic structures using Symbolic Regression.