Leslie Lepont

R&D, biotechnologie, secteur pharmaceutique

Leslie Lepont

Leslie Lepont

R&D, biotechnologie, secteur pharmaceutique

Jeune docteure en Infectiologie/Immunologie, après un court passage dans le monde de la propriété intellectuelle, je suis maintenant à la recherche d'un poste de chargée de projet dans la R&D

Core business

Expertise and methods
Core business

Expertise and methods

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Rédaction et publication de 3 articles et revues dans des journaux scientifiques ainsi qu'un manuscrit de thèse. Présentation des travaux à des congrès nationaux et internationaux. Développement et mise en place de nouvelles techniques et de nouvelles pratiques dans le laboratoire de recherche. Encadrement de stagiaires. Gestion et conduite du projet de thèse d'infectiologie.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Is familiar with recent progress in fields related to his own.

  • Is able to engage in dialogue and collaboration with experts in other disciplines or fields of activity.

  • Takes ownership of new research methods and techniques.

  • Is able to document and evaluate his activities using statistical methods where applicable.

  • Can formulate complex problems that correspond to new challenges.

  • Is able to develop arguments in support of new projects.

  • Knows how to adapt his arguments to his audience.

  • Advises and assists his staff in making appropriate use of investigative methods, improving their performance and enhancing their skills.

Information management
Core business

Information management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Analyse de l'état de l'art dans le cadre de la rédaction de brevet pour des clients, ainsi que d'études de brevetabilité ou de liberté d'exploitation. Constante lecture des avancés du domaine pour la bonne conduite du projet de thèse, avec des technologies récentes et novatrices.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to review the state of the art (SOTA) in a scientific topic.

  • Makes efficient use of information-gathering methods, identifies pertinent resources, particularly bibliographic resources.

  • Masters web-based research (e.g., bibliographic databases, patent databases)

  • Knows how to judge the pertinence of information, critique sources and check source reliability.

  • Designs and implements information-gathering and management systems using suitable technology.

  • Addresses issues relating to the security and life cycle of data.

  • Seeks out support from experts in information and data management.

Skill development
Core business

Skill development

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
A la suite d'une thèse de sciences dans la recherche publique, j'ai décidé de basculer dans le secteur privé, en l'occurrence dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle afin d'élargir mes compétences et de mettre mes connaissances scientifiques au profit des nombreux clients.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Sets his professional goals to be ambitious yet realistic.
  • Identifies and develops means to enhance his employability throughout his career; manages his professional development.
  • Broadens and upgrades his skillset, personal qualities and achievements.
  • Uses his networks to expand his scope of competence.
  • Knows how to transfer his expertise to other fields of activity.
  • Realizes the necessarily international dimension of his career path.
  • Accepts input from a mentor or coach to benefit his professional development.

Personal and relational qualities

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
Personal and relational qualities

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Un projet de thèse au carrefour de nombreux domaines : immunologie/virologie/biologie cellulaire nécessite de constamment remettre en question ses acquis, ses résultats et ses méthodes de travail. Ceci a aboutit à la conduite de 2 projets de recherche dont l'un est déjà publié et l'autre en cours de publication dans des journaux scientifiques.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Knows how to apply his analyzing and synthesizing abilities to new fields.

  • Takes ownership of new analytical methods.

  • Has a novel and independent way of thinking and makes significant contributions.

  • Questions “business-as-usual” scenarios in his activity.

  • Advises his staff to help them develop their own capacities of analysis and synthesis.

  • Stimulates critical thinking among his peers and his staff.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Après une formation sur m'intégrité dans la recherche scientifique, une collègue et moi-même avons mis en place des règles de suivi des bonnes pratiques dans le laboratoire.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Builds staff awareness of the need for responsible conduct of research.

  • Advises his peers and staff concerning matters of respect, confidentiality, anonymity and intellectual property.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Organisation d'un symposium scientifique avec des invités français et européens. Communication avec l'équipe de l'organisation du symposium afin de répartir les taches, suivi régulier de l'avancée du projet . Gestion de l'évènement : communication sur l'évènement, organisation logistique, échanges avec les intervenants.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Develops and maintains cooperative networks.

  • Knows how to build a professional network for his own and the company’s benefit.

  • Is considered an authority in his field of expertise.

  • Is able to envisage his work in a partnership framework; evaluates the benefits and limitations of a partnership and identifies shared and conflicting interests.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Présentation des différents projets de recherche lors de congrès nationaux et internationaux. Organisation et structuration d'un symposium scientifique. Participation dans des groupes de zététique et des réseaux de vulgarisation scientifique.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.

  • Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.

  • Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.

  • Knows how to address a community of professionals.

  • Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.

  • Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking
Personal and relational qualities

Analysis, synthesis and critical thinking

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Un projet de thèse au carrefour de nombreux domaines : immunologie/virologie/biologie cellulaire nécessite de constamment remettre en question ses acquis, ses résultats et ses méthodes de travail. Ceci a aboutit à la conduite de 2 projets de recherche dont l'un est déjà publié et l'autre en cours de publication dans des journaux scientifiques.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Knows how to apply his analyzing and synthesizing abilities to new fields.

  • Takes ownership of new analytical methods.

  • Has a novel and independent way of thinking and makes significant contributions.

  • Questions “business-as-usual” scenarios in his activity.

  • Advises his staff to help them develop their own capacities of analysis and synthesis.

  • Stimulates critical thinking among his peers and his staff.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Après une formation sur m'intégrité dans la recherche scientifique, une collègue et moi-même avons mis en place des règles de suivi des bonnes pratiques dans le laboratoire.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Builds staff awareness of the need for responsible conduct of research.

  • Advises his peers and staff concerning matters of respect, confidentiality, anonymity and intellectual property.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Organisation d'un symposium scientifique avec des invités français et européens. Communication avec l'équipe de l'organisation du symposium afin de répartir les taches, suivi régulier de l'avancée du projet . Gestion de l'évènement : communication sur l'évènement, organisation logistique, échanges avec les intervenants.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Develops and maintains cooperative networks.

  • Knows how to build a professional network for his own and the company’s benefit.

  • Is considered an authority in his field of expertise.

  • Is able to envisage his work in a partnership framework; evaluates the benefits and limitations of a partnership and identifies shared and conflicting interests.

Personal and relational qualities


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
Présentation des différents projets de recherche lors de congrès nationaux et internationaux. Organisation et structuration d'un symposium scientifique. Participation dans des groupes de zététique et des réseaux de vulgarisation scientifique.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Adapts his register to communicate with experts in other fields at both the national and international levels.

  • Masters communication techniques for various contexts and media.

  • Communicates effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience.

  • Knows how to address a community of professionals.

  • Educates and trains his staff in the use of digital communication technologies.

  • Is able to work and lead a group in at least English and one other world language.

Leslie Lepont

Leslie Lepont

R&D, biotechnologie, secteur pharmaceutique

Jeune docteure en Infectiologie/Immunologie, après un court passage dans le monde de la propriété intellectuelle, je suis maintenant à la recherche d'un poste de chargée de projet dans la R&D

Business management and value creation

Project management
Business management and value creation

Project management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- Conduite du projet de thèse sur 3 ans: gestion des consommables, participation à la gestion du budget, gestion des dead-lines : publications régulières, présentations régulières des travaux.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Plans projects to meet goals in accordance with strategy and priorities, and taking quality, deadline and budget constraints into account.
  • Knows how to write specifications.
  • Is accountable for resources used and for meeting the deadlines and quality requirements of the deliverable.
  • Reacts efficiently and appropriately to change and unforeseen events.
  • Conducts his project within a framework of auditing and evaluation, deploying the appropriate systems.
Managing change
Business management and value creation

Managing change

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- interactions avec les acteurs clés du domaine pour faire évoluer les projets de recherche - adaptabilité aux changements rapides du domaine
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Can adapt his approach and the project organization according to imperatives.

  • Adapts to changes and opportunities; knows how and where to find advice.

People management
Business management and value creation

People management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- encadrement des stagiaires - réunions régulières afin de définir les objectifs de travail - maintien de la bonne humeur des collègues avec des petits plaisirs : cookies, session danse à la pause déjeuner, déjeuner au restaurant, escape game etc. ceci afin de maintenir une cohésion d'équipe et une bonne ambiance de travail afin d'améliorer l'efficacité et le plaisir de travailler de chacun.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Has experience with teamwork; knows how to encourage, support and recognize the contributions of each player.

  • Knows how to be a team player.

  • Is able to win the trust of his peers and his line management.

  • Can report on his activities.

  • Supports his peers when needed and can provide assistance.

  • Understands human resources policies and management tools such as recruitment, evaluation, remuneration and strategic workforce planning.

  • Takes safety, social responsibility and labor law requirements into account.

  • Upholds rules on non-discrimination and equal opportunity among employees.

Intellectual and industrial property
Business management and value creation

Intellectual and industrial property

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- analyse de la brevetabilité ou de la liberté d'exploitation d'une invention - rédaction de demande de brevet
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
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  • Is familiar with the process of filing a patent and with all forms of protection of research outcomes (technical protection and marketing).

  • Makes his peers and staff aware of the legal requirements of intellectual/industrial property and/or copyright.

  • Is able to list the areas of technical knowledge that is strategic for the company and identify the individuals in possession of it. Knows how to manage the sharing and perpetuation of knowledge.
Project management
Business management and value creation

Project management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- Conduite du projet de thèse sur 3 ans: gestion des consommables, participation à la gestion du budget, gestion des dead-lines : publications régulières, présentations régulières des travaux.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Plans projects to meet goals in accordance with strategy and priorities, and taking quality, deadline and budget constraints into account.
  • Knows how to write specifications.
  • Is accountable for resources used and for meeting the deadlines and quality requirements of the deliverable.
  • Reacts efficiently and appropriately to change and unforeseen events.
  • Conducts his project within a framework of auditing and evaluation, deploying the appropriate systems.
Managing change
Business management and value creation

Managing change

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- interactions avec les acteurs clés du domaine pour faire évoluer les projets de recherche - adaptabilité aux changements rapides du domaine
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Can adapt his approach and the project organization according to imperatives.

  • Adapts to changes and opportunities; knows how and where to find advice.

People management
Business management and value creation

People management

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- encadrement des stagiaires - réunions régulières afin de définir les objectifs de travail - maintien de la bonne humeur des collègues avec des petits plaisirs : cookies, session danse à la pause déjeuner, déjeuner au restaurant, escape game etc. ceci afin de maintenir une cohésion d'équipe et une bonne ambiance de travail afin d'améliorer l'efficacité et le plaisir de travailler de chacun.
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Has experience with teamwork; knows how to encourage, support and recognize the contributions of each player.

  • Knows how to be a team player.

  • Is able to win the trust of his peers and his line management.

  • Can report on his activities.

  • Supports his peers when needed and can provide assistance.

  • Understands human resources policies and management tools such as recruitment, evaluation, remuneration and strategic workforce planning.

  • Takes safety, social responsibility and labor law requirements into account.

  • Upholds rules on non-discrimination and equal opportunity among employees.

Intellectual and industrial property
Business management and value creation

Intellectual and industrial property

An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- analyse de la brevetabilité ou de la liberté d'exploitation d'une invention - rédaction de demande de brevet
I believe I have reached the PHASE 2 of development of this skill.
View this phase detail
  • Is familiar with the process of filing a patent and with all forms of protection of research outcomes (technical protection and marketing).

  • Makes his peers and staff aware of the legal requirements of intellectual/industrial property and/or copyright.

  • Is able to list the areas of technical knowledge that is strategic for the company and identify the individuals in possession of it. Knows how to manage the sharing and perpetuation of knowledge.

Strategy and Leadership

Strategy and Leadership


An aspect of your own experience that demonstrates this skill :
- Travail en équipe pour la mise en place de projets scientifiques - Répartition des taches au sein de l'équipe en fonction des compétences clés de chacun pour l'organisation d'un symposium scientifique. - motivation des collègues à atteindre les objectifs, maintien de la bonne humeur et de la cohésion
I believe I have reached the PHASE 1 of development of this skill.
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  • Exercises leadership in connection with a project of which he is in charge.
  • Knows how to be persuasive and enlist support for a project
  • .Mobilizes skills for a project of which he is not in charge; manages human resources even when people do not officially report to him.
  • Builds alliances.
  • Establishes relationships based on trust.