
Find profiles Profiles, positions and training: PhD skills at the crossroads

DocPro allows PhD-holders, recruiters and academic advisors to speak the same language. Using this search engine, you can select profiles posted by PhD-holders announcing their skills, profiles defined by employers and recruiters to convey the skills they are looking for, or profiles published by academic advisors to describe the skills developed through the training programs available at their institution.

Last modified on 29 04 24
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Ingénieur R&D en biomécanique humaine

Michel est un explorateur de savoir pour qui la science n'a de sens que si elle est communiquée. Il se passionne pour la biomécanique humaine et la vulgarisation scientifique
Last modified on 29 04 24
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Oncologue médicale

Oncologue médicale spécialisé en cancer du Sein/Urologie/Gynécologie. Je réalise actuellement une thèse de science sur la recombinaison homologue dans le cancer de l’endomètre.
Last modified on 29 04 24
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Supply Chain, Transport, Patient Flows and Health systems

PhD student by day, logistics superhero and fighter by night! Specializing in patient flow during disasters, ready to bring laughter and efficiency.
Last modified on 29 04 24
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A PhD student

Hello and welcome to my personal file. My name is Sen Yan and I'm a second year PhD student studying in University Paris-Cite.
Last modified on 29 04 24
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Behavioural Sciences

To leverage my academic background in Behavioural Sciences and diverse extracurricular experiences to make a positive social impact.
Last modified on 29 04 24
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Ciblage large - Secteur : biologie

Last modified on 29 04 24
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Ingénieure Solutions Fondées sur la Nature

Dr. Ing. spécialisée dans la gestion durable des eaux pluviales en ville, je suis enthousiaste à l'idée d'œuvrer pour des villes résilientes au changement climatique et à préserver la ressource en eau
Last modified on 29 04 24
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Ingénieur R&D Mécanique des fluides

Last modified on 29 04 24
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Last modified on 29 04 24
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Health care, Clinical research, Academic

I have 8.1 years of experience as a dedicated researcher, specializing in Nephrology. My research and studies revolve around Living Donor Renal Transplantation (LDRT).
Last modified on 29 04 24
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Chemical Enginer (air quality, energy transition, environment, and climate change)

Marco Guevara is a researcher in energy transition strategies to face air quality issues and climate change. As an expert in simulation and computational modeling of physical-chemical processes and tr
Last modified on 29 04 24
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Recherche en biologie

Last modified on 29 04 24
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En 3ième année de thèse en chimie organique appliquée à la médecine, je travaille actuellement dans la synthèse et la modification de plateforme fluorescente pouvant être utilisée en imagerie optique.
Last modified on 29 04 24
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Last modified on 29 04 24
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Bioinformatician in Neonatal Immunity Study

Welcome to my website! Let me see how this works out...