
Find profiles Profiles, positions and training: PhD skills at the crossroads

DocPro allows PhD-holders, recruiters and academic advisors to speak the same language. Using this search engine, you can select profiles posted by PhD-holders announcing their skills, profiles defined by employers and recruiters to convey the skills they are looking for, or profiles published by academic advisors to describe the skills developed through the training programs available at their institution.

Last modified on 21 09 24
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Electrical & Electronics Engineer working in the field of physical chemistry and Material Sciences

This profile belongs to a dedicated researcher currently pursuing a PhD in spintronics, which explores the spin properties of electrons and their manipulation.
Last modified on 21 09 24
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Last modified on 21 09 24
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I am a PhD student in Marketing at "the European Research Center in Financial Economics and Business Management (CEREFIGE)", University of Lorraine, France, under the supervision of Professor Jean-Luc
Last modified on 21 09 24
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PhD student in Cytoskeleton Dynamics & Developmental Neurobiology

A young researcher interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms of the cytoskeleton network inside the cells and the intrinsic relation during the development of multi-cellular organisms.
Last modified on 21 09 24
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Chef de projet

Doctorante en Sciences humaines et sociales, j'ai eu l'opportunité de gérer plusieurs projets avant et pendant ma thèse, ce qui a contribué à développer mon leadership et mes capacités d'adaptation.
Last modified on 21 09 24
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Est amet eveniet 33 ipsum minus est repellendus laborum est blanditiis dolore sit dicta internos vel voluptatem quam 33 asperiores sunt.
Last modified on 21 09 24
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Environnement, Ingénieur R&D

Last modified on 21 09 24
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chef de projet R&D, postdoc en bio-informatique

Bonjour, Je suis doctorant en bio-informatique dans la pharmaceutique. J'étudie le comportement des anticorps thérapeutiques durant leur chaîne de production.
Last modified on 21 09 24
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Manager; Research; Teaching

Manager pédagogique de futurs ingénieurs à CESI, j'ai apporté mon dynamisme et mon leadership pour développer le campus lillois et gérer ses formations d'ingénieur en spécialité informatique.
Last modified on 21 09 24
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Ingénieur R&D valorisation des molécules bioactives de produits naturels

Chimiste de formation et fasciné par la nature et ses merveilles, j'ai combiné mes deux passions en choisissant de travailler sur la valorisation de molécules bioactives d'un palmier amazonien.
Last modified on 21 09 24
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Chef de projet R&D sciences cognitives neurosciences

Je suis Docteur en Sciences Cognitives. Avec 5 ans d’expérience dans la conduite de projets scientifiques au sein d’un laboratoire de recherche et au Ministère de la Justice
Last modified on 21 09 24
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Academics, research institutes and industries

I am highly motivated to connect with people, share and learn new skills.
Last modified on 21 09 24
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Health and science research, development and education

Last modified on 21 09 24
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Specialist in cross-border insolvency

PhD student in cross-border insolvency | I solve my clients' problems by creating problems for my opponents | M2 LLM International Economic Law (MINTEC)
Last modified on 21 09 24
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Recherche et développement en biologie, santé

Bonjour! Je suis docteure en biologie (cancérologie). Je recherche de nouvelles opportunités professionnelles, ma principale source de motivation réside dans le sentiment d'être utile aux autres.
Last modified on 21 09 24
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PhD student in Parasitology

My research focuses on developing novel types of second-line treatment to reduce pathogenicity and transmission of drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum.
Last modified on 21 09 24
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